About Me

Hello! Welcome to my blog!

As a blogging woman now I thought I should write a little about me that will hopefully give you a little more insight on who Emily Marie is.

I became obsessed with reading blogs thanks to Pinterest. I really admired all these people writing about what they are passionate about and I thought, I can do this. I spent the next couple of months reading several different blogs, downloading blogging books onto my Nook and researching the web for different blogging tutorials. On August 18, 2012, I finally took the plunge and went for it! I couldn't more happy with my decision and I am hoping that I do not bore people with all that I have to offer.

Now that you have the story on why I started a blog, here is more about me as a person!

I am a recent graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. I am still looking for a "big girl" job, it's a tough world out there! 

I have the most amazing mother a girl can ask for. When I was 2 my parents divorced and it has been just my mom and I ever since. She is the best friend that never lets me down and is always there to wipe my tears, make me laugh, and spoil me rotten. :) 

About 10 years ago my mom met this best man anybody could ask for. He is the most amazing step dad a girl can ask for. It's just the three of us and that is okay with us. 
This is the three of us, at my graduation celebration (June 2012) Up North with the WHOLE family. 

One year ago I got the greatest gift. After 3 years of trying to convince my mom to get me a dog she finally caved in and got me a puppy! Let me tell you, puppies are hard! I had to give up countless nights out with friends and grueling early mornings in Minnesota winters to have this puppy but I couldn't be more in love! 
Liberty Belle is the cutest and the sweetest dog ( I sure lucked out)! She puts a smile on my face each and everyday! 
Liberty Belle after her day at the doggy spa. 

Alright, so I have covered mom, step dad, puppy, and myself. I would like to share my little brother with you all as well! I was an only child for 20 years. Well, that all changed 2 1/2 years ago when my dad and step mom had a baby boy, Jack David. I don't get to see him very often but I Facetime, Skype, and talk to him on the phone often. 
Jack David about 3 weeks old. He was born prematurely and weighed 3 lbs! 

Jack David 6 months. 

Jack David 2 years old.